
Simple Broccoli bake

broccoliAn easy way to get your veggies ready if you don't have a steamer is either by microwaving in a bowl with a few drops of liquid or baking covered in the oven. My choice for broccoli is usually the oven, since I am typically cooking something else in the oven and it's an efficient way to just use one appliance. A simple squeeze of lemon juice and seasoning with garlic powder and salt does the trick. You can add your favorite spice but I find broccoli doesn't need much beyond lemon and garlic. Don't overcook! Check that it turns bright green as you bake.


  • broccoli - a head or a few cups of florets
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp salt


1. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Spray the pan with cooking spray.

2. Add broccoli. Squeeze lemon juice all over. Be generous!

3. Sprinkle garlic powder and salt.

4. Cover with tinfoil.

5. Place in the 400 oven for 15-20 minutes.

6. Check before time is up, not to overcook. Open the foil carefully, there will be hot steam.

7. Enjoy! It's a great source of fiber and goes well with tomatoes too.

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