steel-cut oats with chia and berries

Steel-cut Oats with Chia

steel-cut oatsOne of the biggest time savers in your day is having your meals planned or prepared and/or knowing what to buy at the grocery store. It requires a little planning once a week and the results are:

  • easier, breazier meals
  • eating well instead of grabbing junk food on the go
  • happier mood because you're not starving and skipping meals
  • one part of your day is taken care of, so you can focus on other priorities

Great thing about oats is that they keep you fuller longer (all that amazing soluble fiber and high protein), they digest slowly as a complex carb (longer lasting energy), they improve blood sugar and lower cholesterol, are naturally gluten-free and are overall very nutritious and rich in antioxidants.

I prefer steel-cut oats for the stand-out texture vs. softer rolled oats. In general, when I look at food, I try to find options closest to the source (e.g. apple vs. apple sauce or juice). In this case, steel-cut oats are minimally processed compared to rolled oats. They also contain the powerful beta-glucan soluble fiber. Just 1/4 cup of dry steel-cut oats contains 5g of fiber - a quarter of your daily need. Finally, steel-cut oats have a low glycemic index, so it's especially helpful if you're watching your glucose.

One downside of using steel-cut oats is the longer cooking time. Who has 30 minutes+ in the morning before work? I solve this by prepping a large container of oats on the weekend or a day I have extra time and then microwave a serving in the morning with some berries and nuts. The recipe below makes 4 servings, so you can have a little each day.


  • 1 cup steel-cut oats (I prefer Trader Joe's but Bob's Red Mill or 365 Organic are great too
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 cup ground chia seed (more on that later)


1. Bring a pot of water (4 cups) to a boil on medium heat.

2. Add 1 cup of oats and 1 tsp salt, stir, and boil for 5 minutes on medium heat. Watch this closely and turn down the heat if the oats boil over.

3.Reduce the heat to low and cook for 25 minutes, stirring every 10-15 minutes.steelcut oats

4. Add 1/4 chia seeds, stir quickly and cook on low heat for another 3-5 minutes, letting the seeds absorb.

adding chia seeds
5. Let the oatmeal cool for 10 minutes. Adding chia seeds helps boost the fiber and protein content. Besides, chia is an excellent source of omega 3 fats, a great brain booster.

6. Eat it hot right away or save in a large container and use for breakfast. At breakfast, use a 1/4 of the oats and microwave for less than 2 minutes. Add your favorite berries or fruit and nuts. A little honey or maple syrup can add the sweetness.
steel-cut oats with chia and berries

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