How I coach

  1. GOALS: Share your goals and I will help you get there. Lose weight, build muscle, get leaner, fitter, happier in your clothes and doing the things you like might be some. Whatever your goals are, we will get there by focusing on one thing at a time, breaking the bigger goal into smaller ones. I will show you how to get it done easily.
  2. HABIT-MAKING: Make living healthy a habit. Most of my clients, once started, want to do so much so quickly. If you want things to stick, though, they have to be practiced. Think about how putting on a seatbelt before you drive is automatic, because you know how to do it and you’ve done it thousands of times. Just like that, we will make nutrition and exercise habits automatic, simply by doing it over and over, one at a time. 
  3. ACCOUNTABILITY: I will help you stay accountable with weekly lessons, tips, and workouts. You will see your progress in the online dashboard, and can message me whenever you need. We will connect any way you choose - with zoom or phone calls, email or Facebook. Bottom line is I will help you stay consistent and accountable no matter what life throws at you.
  4. TIME: Busy? Let me do the planning for you! You have enough to worry about. Leave the nutrition and workout details to me to make your life easier.
  5. PROVEN: For nutrition, we are going to use the Precision Nutrition method. If you haven’t heard, this method, developed by the world’s top nutrition researchers, has helped over 100,000 people - everyone from champion athletes to busy moms - achieve lasting results. We will be using the Trainerize platform for personal training and nutrition habits. It is user friendly, including your schedule, exercise video and challenge opportunities. I will craft your training plan based on your goals and my 8 years of in-person and online training experience as a personal trainer with multiple certifications, including American Council on Exercise.
  6. FLEXIBLE: Whether you want to go 3 months, 6 months, or a year, I will find the program that works best for you. When vacations, meetings, or unexpected changes arise, I can modify your lessons, to get to your goals in the most doable way. 
  7. AFFORDABLE: At $79 per month, one-on-one personal training and nutrition coaching is affordable. Compare this to what you would pay to a personal trainer or nutrition coach per hour (probably up to $500 a month)! Here you are getting daily support, information and tools, plus personal attention. 
  8. EASY: It’s an easy to use online platform with simple habits and daily check-ins in Trainerize - online or on the app.

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