rainbow salad with triple protein

Rainbow Salad with triple Protein

One of the easiest ways to get your lunches ready for the week is getting the veggies cut soon after you come back from the grocery store (or get your online delivery if you’re that high-tech). It goes with the over-used term “meal planning” but it’s quite simple. I call it shop-chop-swap. Shop for groceries, cut up the ingredients, place them into storage containers ready to be used for one meal or swap for another. I will show you how. Let’s start with a simple salad.

This one has all the colors of the rainbow (I skipped purple, but red cabbage would give you that and could be a nice addition to this salad, if you want it). Plus, we get triple protein from sliced roasted turkey (easily bought in a package or sliced at the store), boiled eggs and hummus (see my homemade hummus recipe here). Best of all - you can use hummus as the dressing - you get the creaminess, nuttiness, and, don’t forget - extra protein. Protein keeps you full, helps you rebuild all the tissues and it produces glucagon which can help control body fat. Enough said, go and make this salad! Cut up extra veggies and store them for other recipes.

veggies for salad

Serves 2


  • 2 mini Cucumbers
  • 1-2 colorful bell peppers
  • 1 carrot (peeled)
  • 1/2 sweet onion (or regular yellow onion)
  • 5-10 grape tomatoes
  • 1/2 avocado (optional)
  • a few sprigs of fresh dill
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 6 oz sliced roasted turkey
  • 2-3 tbsp store-bought or homemade hummus


1. Cut up your hard veggies - carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers, onion.

chopped up hard veggies

2. Dice and add your soft veggies (tomatoes and optional avocado) and chopped fresh dill (that's where the fresh garden flavor comes in).

grape tomatoestomatoes and dill added
3. Top with protein - sliced turkey, boiled egg and 2-3 tbsp hummus. Try my hummus recipe for the extra-creamy, extra-flavorful protein-packed dressing.
protein added to salad
4. Stir and enjoy!
rainbow salad with triple protein

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