purple cabbage recipe

Red Cabbage Salad

red cabbageI find red (or purple) cabbage so versatile. It’s delicious freshly shredded in a salad (like the one below), makes an amazing addition to a baked frittata, yummy pickled and is a star in my “throw remaining vegetables from the fridge” stir-fry. The subtle sweetness helps bring out the umami flavor that so many foodies seek. Plus, the deep purple color is a sign of nature’s powerlifters - anthocyanins, strong antioxidants, helping prevent inflammation. The deeper the color - the more of them. Purple cabbage is a rich source of vitamin C, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and very low in calories. So it fills you up, keeps you hydrated and full and helps your cells on every level. This salad is a great base for any plant protein but I think it’s a great base for seafood protein - tuna, cod, shrimp. Best of all, many of the ingredients turn into great snacks or can be used in other recipes, so chop extra and save. Notice, I don’t add any dressing to it - I like a green dressing (avocado, lime, olive oil, salt) but you can use your favorite.

Ingredients (serves 2-3):

  • ¼ head purple cabbage
  • ¼ white (sweet preferred) onion
  • ¼ fennel bulb
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1-2 mini cucumbers


1. It’s chop time! Chop ¼ onion and cabbage (or use shredder).

2. Use your peeler to add carrot ribbons ('zoodle' it). Thinner texture really works here.

cabbage salad

3. Chop zucchini, cucumbers and fennel. I cut each in half and half again, then dice.

4. Top with your favorite protein. I added 1 boiled egg and a grilled piece of tuna. Fish works really well with fennel, zucchini and cabbage. Or, try chickpeas and black beans, another nice company.

purple cabbage recipe

5. Add your favorite dressing. If you’d like to make my green dressing for this salad, use ½ avocado mashed, 1 lime juiced, 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp salt.

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1 Comment

  1. […] because I get to use fennel, which I am slightly obsessed with and use in other recipes like this Red cabbage salad. I don't overcomplicate things and only just add dill, lemon, olive oil, salt and paprika. Simple […]

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