sweet potato hash

Sweet Potato Hash

sweet potato hashThere are few things I like as much as eggs and sweet potato happens to be one of them. I was thrilled to discover it as part of the Fresh Midwest veggie box. My first thought was bake it, then sweet potato pancakes (a staple at Hanukkah time), and finally a hash. I put an Eastern European spin on it by adding mushrooms and fresh dill. You can certainly use dry dill but fresh adds a more intense earthy flavor. One large sweet potato can go a long way and this hash is enough for two hungry people. I am using a cast iron skillet, since it’s easy to move from stove to oven and keeps the food cooking more evenly. An extra dose of iron is a plus!


  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 large sweet potato
  • 5-7 mushrooms (any kind you prefer)
  • ½ white or vidalia onion
  • 1 bunch dill
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp salt/pepper


1. Heat a cast iron skillet on the stove. Give it enough time to get hot. Optionally, you can heat it in the oven.

2. Once the skillet is hot, brush some olive oil over.

3. Dice the mushrooms and add to the skillet. Cook for 3 minutes undisturbed, stir.
4. Dice ½ and onion and add to the mushrooms. Cook for 3 minutes undisturbed, stir.
onions and mushrooms
5. Dice the sweet potatoes and add to the skillet. Typically, the hash is a more grated kind of potato but I prefer the chunkier cut to keep the flavor more prominent. Reduce the heat to medium and let the potatoes cook for 5 minutes undisturbed.
sweet potatoes
6. Preheat the oven to 400F.

7. Add fresh cut dill to the skillet. Stir the potatoes, mushrooms, onions and dill and continue cooking for another 5-10 minutes on medium to low heat. You want the potatoes to be almost done.
sweet potato hash
8. Make 2 wells and crack an egg into each one. Season with salt and pepper (and paprika, optional)
eggs with sweet potatoes
9. Place into the 400 degree oven for 5-10 minutes. Watch the eggs until the whites are set, adjust time up or down based on that.
skillet in the oven
10. Enjoy the sweet potato hash!
sweet potato hash

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