Vegan Nut-Free Banana Bread

It all started with a bunch of bananas that were getting older by the day. They started old and then they got darker and softer. So I thought - banana bread - how perfect! Banana bread is usually a nice combination of soft and sweet bananas and crunchy nuts. However, one of my kids has a nut allergy, so I had to make it nut-free. Then, I decided to make it dairy free and vegan. So no nuts, no dairy, no eggs. Of course, there is sugar and flour, but it has to be edible, right? In order to replace the eggs and add a healthy dose of omega-3s, I used chia seed. I added cacao nibs for some extra sweetness - and together with chia seed, it adds the crunch that makes you think this banana bread is nutty. It’s a nutty thing to do! I also swapped the butter/oil for apple sauce, so this bread is all plant based. Here’s your list of ingredients and how you make it.


banana bread ingredients
3-4 ripe bananas (I used 4 but prefer 3)
2 cups of all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp chia seed
5 tbsp water (to make the chia egg)
½ cup sugar
¼ cup of cacao nibs (or your favorite mix-ins)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
⅓ cup apple sauce


1. Make your chia eggs: drop 2 tbsp of chia seed in a bowl with 5 tbsp of water. Stir gently and let it sit for 5 minutes and turn into a gel.
2. Preheat the oven to 375 F
3. Mash 3-4 bananas. Add vanilla, cinnamon, sugar, apple sauce, salt, baking soda and powder. Stir.
4. Add the chia eggs and stir gently until all dissolved.
5. Add flour and stir without overmixing.
6. Final addition - cacao nibs or your chosen mix-ins. Final stir.
7. Cover your loaf pan with parchment paper and spray with cooking spray. Pour your banana bread into the pan.
8. Bake on a middle rack at 375 for 50 minutes.
9. Enjoy warm or wrap each slice tight and freeze until later. But who can wait?

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