tilapia with leeks

Garlicky Leeky Tilapia

tilapia with leeksI admit, tilapia is not my favorite fish, because I am not a fan of farmed fish, and a lot of tilapia sold at stores is not sustainable. It also has a higher ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fats, which can lead to inflammation. But it is inexpensive and low in mercury, which makes it very family friendly. Most importantly, as someone who consistently does strength training, I am always looking for great sources of protein. Fish, in general, is a great source, and tilapia is a star with 26 grams for a 3.5 ounce portion. Don’t forget all the priceless vitamins, like B12, phosphorus, potassium and selenium. Tilapia is super light in calories and low in fat, so if you’re watching your portions, one fillet will only add 120 calories. As any fresh water fish, it’s fairly quick to make, so easy dinner is a bonus. This one is 15-20 minutes start to finish. If you don’t have tilapia, try this recipe with flounder or snapper. If you buy tilapia, look for the Ocean Wise logo or make sure that it is sustainably sourced. Enough about tilapia! The star of this recipe is the leek. Leeks have a long history, with ancient Romans touting their benefits for the vocal cords. There are many benefits to this delicious onion-family vegetable - leeks are high in vitamin K (important for blood clotting), manganese, folate and iron, and it’s rich in anti-oxidants. I like the briny texture of it once it’s cooked. I’ve used leeks in many chicken recipes but it really shines paired with fish, as in this Garlicky Leeky Tilapia.

Ingredients (serves 2):

  • 2 tilapia fillets
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 leek
  • 1 tbsp garlic
  • 1 tsp coarse salt
  • 1 tsp olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 425 F.

2. Spray a flat baking sheet with olive oil spray or use parchment paper or tinfoil, place tilapia filets on it.

3. We’re only using a few inches for this 2-serving recipe, so cut about a third of the leek to use on the tilapia. Wash the leeks thoroughly. The easiest way to get rid of the grime is to submerge the leeks in the water and wash between the layers. Slice it thin and add to a bowl.

4. Press 1 tbsp garlic (2 cloves) and mix with the juice of 1 lemon, 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp of coarse salt. Add to the leek bowl. You can also use jarred garlic - my shortcut when I am out of real garlic.

5. Top each fillet with the leek mixture.

6. Bake uncovered for 10-15 min. Enjoy!

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