mediterranean cod recipe

Mediterranean Cod Recipe

Mediterranean flavors yield beautifully to fish, especially cod. I gravitate to these flavors and not just because Mediterranean diet is known for its health benefits. Basil is the star of this easy fish recipe that I originally posted on my parenting blog, I’ve been growing veggies and herbs in my garden this summer and basil is looking great, so it sort of inspired bringing this home favorite back. This recipe starts by sauteing veggies and herbs, topping the fish with them and then placing it in the oven for a quick 20 minute bake. Note, basil is not going to be as strong as it is when you use it fresh, so feel free to top your fish with a few fresh basil leaves.

Ingredients (serves 2):

  • 2 cod fish fillets
  • ¼ white or yellow onion
  • 3 garlic cloves (or 2 tbsp minced garlic)
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 cup fresh basil
  • 1 tsbp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp kosher salt
  • ½ lemon, juiced, optional


Before you start cooking, set aside a bowl and a baking tray. If you have a pan that can go from the stove straight into the oven, skip the tray.

1. Preheat a pan that is safe to go from stove to oven. If you don’t have one, set aside a tray you’ll use in the oven and preheat the pan. Add a swirl of olive oil.

2. Chop ¼ of a large or ½ of a small onion and add to the pan. Cook stirring until golden.

3. Add minced garlic, stir and cook a bit more.

4. Chop a large tomato and add to the pan. Stir and cook on medium-low heat another 2-3 min.

5. Preheat the oven to 425 F

6. Rinse and pat dry the fish. Add a sprinkle of lemon juice (optional).

7. Once tomatoes are softened a bit, add 1 tbsp salt and 1 cup fresh, roughly chopped basil to the pan, stir and cook another minute. Don’t overcook the basil.

8. Pour the tomato basil mixture into your bowl, set aside.

9. Turn up the heat under the pan and add the cod, brown a few minutes.

10. Cover the cod with a tomato basil mixture.

11. Take the pan off the heat and place straight into the oven for 15-20 min at 425.

mediterranean cod recipe

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